Research Areas
Local Innovation Processes
Projects conducted under this theme investigate how innovation happens in community-based contexts, focusing particular attention on inclusive, multi-stakeholder innovation processes in under-studied contexts.
Innovation Ecosystems
Projects under this theme seek to identify and assess the capacities that are needed at the individual, group, and local system levels to produce and sustain local innovation processes over time.
Local Innovation Capacity
Projects under this theme seek to identify and assess the capacities that are needed at the individual, group, and local system levels to produce and sustain local innovation processes over time.
Development Outcomes of Local Innovation
This research examines how local innovation contributes to development and the benefits that result from local innovation processes and from investments in strengthening local innovation capacity.
Complexity-aware Evaluation
This research is developing and advancing methods of evaluating complex interventions into complex local systems that draws on theory, methods, and techniques from complexity science and system dynamics.
Lean Research
Lean Research is a research approach and an ongoing initiative to improve the practice of applied research and data collection involving people and communities in development and humanitarian contexts.
Inclusive Systems Innovation
This project investigates successful examples of inclusive local systems innovation within local systems facing development challenges through the analysis of existing evidence and new case study more
Learning from Local Innovators
This project involves interview-based case studies with local innovators and their collaborators in order to gain insights into how grassroots innovation processes unfold in diverse settings around the world... read more
Participatory Innovation Ecosystem Mapping
This project is developing an approach to analyzing the dynamics of collaboration within innovation-oriented entrepreneurial more
Innovation Ecosystem Analysis and Strengthening
Identifying opportunities and effective strategies for strengthening local innovation ecosystems…read more
Assessing Local Innovation Capacity
Developing a framework and tools for assessing local capacity to innovate at the individual, group, and system levels…read more
ASPIRE : Achieving Sustainable Partnerships in Innovation, Research, and Entrepreneurship
Strengthening higher education capacity for development-oriented research and innovation in more
Adaptive Learning and Systems Analysis for JSPVAT
A complexity-aware, systems-informed external evaluation of an agricultural value-chain intervention in Bihar, India…read more